Hope Counselling LLC

Hope Counseling LLC

Hope Counseling was established to address the needs of growing diverse population in the Twin Cities and its environs. We are staffed with diverse individuals who have dual licenses in chemical dependency and mental health practices with wealth of experiences in public and private agencies.

Our mission is to provide accurate, affordable, and culturally compatible assessment for our targeted population. As a culturally specific entity, we believe that overcoming addiction requires detailed, concise, thorough assessments and compatible referral to appropriate treatment facilities that is culturally sensitive to clients’ need.

Therapy of Love

At Hope Counseling LLC, clients are viewed as individuals who have unique talents and able to solve problems with minimal clinical support. We also strife to make appropriate referrals to facilities that are client centered and culturally compatible to clients’ needs. We understand that transportation can be issue for some of the targeted clients. To address this, we are able to meet clients at a convenient location including their door steps to complete assessments to avoid delay in getting into treatment as quick as possible without delay.


We provide counseling & treatment programs in a wide spread area across Minnesota.

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